Thursday, December 27, 2012

Most famous onion cutter in the school

Dorothy turns six today.  Impossible to believe, except when I look at pictures of myself 6 years ago and see I am clearly a half decade older.

She is still a party in a person. Before Channukah at school the kids helped prep latkes. Dorothy had the job of cutting onions. She came home and told me she was the most famous person in the school for cutting onions - apparently she did a great job.  I thanked the teacher for making her feel good about it..."Lo that's hilarious! I showed her how to cut them and you know dorothy- she woul not let up until every last piece was chopped to perfection!"

Daron dressed as Steve Jobs for a school project where they had to read a biography.  He looked so handsome in black turtleneck and jeans and he even brought an apple to school and took a bite.  He was totally energized by learning all about the different characters.

He also did Run for Fun in school this year. Where he and other kids ran during recess. Tons of kids ran 2 miles or 5. Only 2 kids ran a marathon over the course of the weeks. Daron and Leah Zackson. Love it. 

Ian is getting more than 90 on most of his test, juggling hockey and middle school and friends with grace. His sense of humor continues to be like mikes. Quiet but hilarious. The other day I hugged Stella and said outloud what I was thinking.. ."How crazy would it have been like if we never had you" - Ian who was in the playroom heard me and said "A little less." _ I didn't hear him - thought he was talking about something else and asked - "What"  "Probably a little less crazy" he said, which was so funny. And even more so because he bursts with love for her. She pats his head and gives him kisses and finds a way to sit with him.

Daron drives her around in a car and she puts on sunglasses. He also plays football with her. Stella plays hockey with both boys. And the girls are developing a sisterly bond- although Dorothy gets insulted if Stella doesnt want to do just as told.

MIke and I went to Florida for our anniversary.  Swimming with dolphins and hiking and kyacking in the Everglades was probably my favorite adventure ever. 

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