Monday, November 19, 2012

She pees, He Tweets, She parties, He pucks

Stella still asking to pee. She has expanded her vocabulary and it is adorable. Kuby (kirby) GutDob (Good Job) EEEEEEn (Ian) and the other kids plus a firm "noooooo"

Daron is on Twitter.  @dwelfeld. Password is hippohippo which is tender and ironic given one of his first tweets was @IDF Gaza is going down. Despite the brazen tweet, most of his tweets blend snarky with kiddy and I am in awe.  I love the he wants to hear and be heard.  Please @Jets tweet back.

Dorothy had a Princess party because of a House Party kit I got through work> Rachel, Eliana, and the Tabuouche twins were here and it was sweet.

Ian and Daron rocked back to school teacher conferences. So proud of them.

Sunday looked like this:

Parent teacher conferences (many)
Flu Shot
Shiva visit
Parent teacher conferences
Princess Party
Ian homework

Wouldnt have it any other way

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