Daron killed it. http://www.bestrace.com/results/11/111113PR1.HTM
We were pretty far to the back of the crew when they said "Go" but Daron tore ahead of me. I ended up in 18th place, not too shabby for 4 months - post 4th c-section but I couldnt get near Daron. Emotion overtook me more than once as I watched his skinny legs kicking up ahead of me. Pride brought on tears and of course a little concern. He finished 8th. Out of adults and children (all 343 of them) - including several adults who travel to races just to place.
Gila Elbaum told me later that Daron and Andy had been running together for a while and then Daron looked at him and said "see ya later" and took off.
Stella got earings. She had her second set of tetus shots and about a week and a half later I took her to Claires (with Debbie) for ruby red studs. She scremed, so briefly but even just before we did it - it was the first time I wondered what I was doing- why make holes in this so perfect little being. She is the most amazing baby for a fourth kid at this time in our lives. She is so placid, so easy, so much fun and her siblings adore her. Today Daron remarked just how big she is getting. Time is flying- I can't seem to catch it as it zooms by.
Ians hocky season is nearly over He is so handsome, so big. I comb his hair and his shoulders are so broad. He is rocking school, great grades. He got glasses - he looks so good looking in them. He remains an incredible big brother and I sometimes just can't believe he isnt a tiny baby himself.
Dorothy watched Annie (we fast forwarded through the scary parts) and now she loves to sing "The sun wil come up" - she claps and sings and dances and we are considering Yeshivat Heatid.
Did I forget to say that Stella turns over both ways?