Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pasta Ears

Dorothy touched Stella's ears the other day and said they felt like pasta. Soft. She's not wrong.

It is Chanukah.

Boys are still focused on Lego but now we are into thousands of peices. Dorothy is getting dolls and projects. Stella is thrilled with stacking cups.

Stella is sitting up - almost by herself. Such a sweet, sweet and happy baby. Ian finished hockey season and is doing really well in school. He is enjoying the independence of junior congregation.

Daron is starting basketball and has a new and nice group of friends in the country club section this year.

Dorothy is dancing and singing and talking and reminding me of me. She is a great big sister and today we all played mouse trap when Mike went to Maariv.

Still nursing Stella exclusively and happy about it.

Mike and I are watching It's a Wonderful Life.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Yavneh Walk Run

Daron killed it.

We were pretty far to the back of the crew when they said "Go" but Daron tore ahead of me. I ended up in 18th place, not too shabby for 4 months - post 4th c-section but I couldnt get near Daron. Emotion overtook me more than once as I watched his skinny legs kicking up ahead of me. Pride brought on tears and of course a little concern. He finished 8th. Out of adults and children (all 343 of them) - including several adults who travel to races just to place.

Gila Elbaum told me later that Daron and Andy had been running together for a while and then Daron looked at him and said "see ya later" and took off.

Stella got earings. She had her second set of tetus shots and about a week and a half later I took her to Claires (with Debbie) for ruby red studs. She scremed, so briefly but even just before we did it - it was the first time I wondered what I was doing- why make holes in this so perfect little being. She is the most amazing baby for a fourth kid at this time in our lives. She is so placid, so easy, so much fun and her siblings adore her. Today Daron remarked just how big she is getting. Time is flying- I can't seem to catch it as it zooms by.

Ians hocky season is nearly over He is so handsome, so big. I comb his hair and his shoulders are so broad. He is rocking school, great grades. He got glasses - he looks so good looking in them. He remains an incredible big brother and I sometimes just can't believe he isnt a tiny baby himself.

Dorothy watched Annie (we fast forwarded through the scary parts) and now she loves to sing "The sun wil come up" - she claps and sings and dances and we are considering Yeshivat Heatid.

Did I forget to say that Stella turns over both ways?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Shalom Bat

It was just a regular shabbos at Grannie Annie and Saba Josh- until the snow started... and didnt stop!

Then the pwoer went out - all the night before we were supposed to host 40 people for a Shalom Bat. I was up all night after we bundled the kids and turned on flashlights. It was really so cold - but i was worried about Stella - glad we had a hat for her. I wish I could say I was playing it cool but I couldnt for some reason so I fell asleep only to wake up cold and hungry? Had gefilte fish by flashlight at 1:30 am and then caught a few zzs. THen Saba Josh lit the fireplace and the kids had cereal while we discovered the down like blocking the driveway.

Turned ot to be just a cable line and the police lady moved it so we could escape back home where we were seemingly among the few with power. Party was really nice but I missed most of it since only half my brain was turned on.

Debbie is workijng out ok except for crazy boyfriend.

Daroneye - thank god he was ok- but tripped into a chair- nice bruise.
Daron's birthday party was a movie about a dophin i cried through.
Hocky started great.
Work crazy. I am taking boxing. MIke is job hunting but with decent compsure.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

new school year

yom kippur night and i m one handed cause nursing

Ian - fifth grade means recess football which reqired some parental nudging and behind the scenes fenageling. Heavy heavy backpack. HOckey starts tomorrow and we are all looking forward.

Daron - first grade- started out missing Morah Meidav. Darons birthday party tomorrow to see Dolphins Tale. He has some new friends this yera - on the country club side of the world. He is taking swimming lessons begrudgingly at the JCC and is super funny.

Debbie is working out as a sitter. First time house is clean in ages

Dorothy is doing well at PRe0K in gan aviv. Loks like it was a fine choice. Dancing, swimming and soccer for this fiesty chick

Stella - a dream. Happy, mild. Wakes up smiling - sometimes we go in there and she si just staring up at the sky and see s us and gives a huge smaile. The kids are great with her. Shes been sleeping from 10 or 11 somethng until 6-8 since she was about 6 weeks old. Amazing. My back is hurting me but I feel blessed - overwhelmingly blessed every day.

Parents came for Rosh Hashana was nice.

We;ve been watching Brothers and Sisters.

Oh and I passed my personal training exam - I am actually a certified personal trainer - once I pass CPR>

Sunday, August 21, 2011


We've got smiles - and goos and gas. Full fledged and it is so much fun. We all enjoy trying to get them:)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do we have to believe in Etiquette ?

Daron has been frustrated by the fact that he can't just decide to go to other people's house on shabbat. The funny thing is he always wants to invite himelf to Ian's friends houses. The nice thing is that he plays so nicely with them, they like him and that Ian doesnt mind and welcomes it. We are truly blessed by that. But when i tried explaining etiquette, Daron finds it ridiculous. He asked if we could decide not to believe in it.

Last week we went up to Moshava to show Ian (and me) a sleepaway camp. We somehow were brave enough to take all the kids including a 3 week old! It went surprisingly well and we were pretty proud of ourselves and the kids. Stela cried when we hit traffic on the last leg of the trip but that was about it.

One week after my father left from visiting with us after Stella was born - we got a strange email on FB (caleb and I did) from Lynn and Dean Sperling saying they wanted to fill in the blanks fr us about my father. What ensued was a very strange series of emails that were kinda emotionaly jarring. Caleb and I essentially decided we didnt want to know more. But they mentioned they didnt know I didnt know about the credit card. I had to ask how they learned that and it opened a little can of worms. Basically they blame my father their bankruptcy, sadness and misery and now Dean is sick. But they felt like we might blame them for something when I had never heard their names from my father until - oddly he mentioned them this time when he was up. Next.

Dorothy looks beautiful. Long hair, tanned skin. I try hard not to tell her that every time I look at her. She is pretty taken with herself :) But i try to also remember to say how smart, kind and beautiful inside she is. She is a great dancer, loves modern day music (sound so old saying that) and has learned how to snap, which she does with a tush wigle and much attitude.

The baby has pimples on her face. Daron looked at her and thought and suddenly said " she needs... what's that called? Proactive!" -

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome Stella Miriam

Well it started with a three month compromise. Hashem had plans. A prayer and a curse word followed by a shot of saki, some shakes and a new stage. Dr A, replacing fear with trust and many modeh anis.

A good pregnancy, joy, not wanting to catch chickens before they hatch.

Then the date came, 7.7.11. My moms birthday. 5am at the hospital. We knew it was a girl. By 7:30am I was in the OR. The oxgyn felt great. In and out I breathed after the shock jolt of the spinal.

Then I just breathed and prayed. And listened. They seemed to struggle. But we knew it would be. I smelled the burning flesh, heard calls for "knife" "knife". And "what's that"? I don't think it is muscle? Uterus? Is it there?" But by 8:00 we heard her cry! Wow. A day I had prayed for, a moment I had hoped beyond hope for, was here. It seemed like a long time

All wrapped up. I heard 9 on Apgar and then she wasa wrapped next to me for a kiss. Then Adele got me through. I was pretty comfortabel. Nicu.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Its April

Its Pesach already.

My belly is big- growing. Thankfully all is well with the pregnancy - especially since finding something called the Blanqi that has saved me from hip and lower back pain.

Rory is a riot. She is spunky and smart and loves being with the boys. She and Daron are like an old man and lady bickering often as Daron tries to guide or correct her but we all laugh a lot. Mike's parents were here for first days of Yom TOv and we were outside - Mike's Dad was playing basketball and Rory said - Mommy your belly is even bigger than Papas.

Daron - after numerous appointments and visits to Boston - turns out he does not have Hirscshprungs. We are deeply grateful we did not pursue the surgical path initially recommended - we did discover he does have spasms and it is unclear why. We will keep investigating. He started baseball, is doing well in school and still loves to play board games, card games anything.

Ian is smart, good looking and quiet. We can see already he will give the girls a hard time. We discovered this week that he knows the tooth fairy is not real - or is me. Curious when he knew or why he didnt say. Dorothy was saying at the table that she wantes to be a dentist, doctor, angel and mom when she grows up. Daron suggested she be a tooth fairy and she loved the idea. I said - she will be a dentist and fairy all in one. And then later to myself "and mom" and then I looked and saw Ian smirking from across the table.

We are working on baby names. Have a few I like. Looking forward.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Friday of New Years

Thursday night we told our parents - Mike did actually.

We told the boys about the pregnancy - they were so much more excited than we thought they would be. Full of questions (not the one we feared) and thoughts. Daron overflowed but even Ian was excited.

Some of these thoughts:

They immediately assumed it was a boy. When we explained it could be a girl - the boys seemed to think it would ask a lot of questions. When the boys thought about it being a aboy - then Daron said that Dorothy already "fills up all of Mommy's questions" so if it is a boy it will have to ask for "Daddy" "Daddy" with the other boys.

Later Daron was looking at my stomach - trying to figure out where the baby could be. Noticing my expanded chest - he said it looked like it could fit in there instead.

when we explained my belly would get far bigger, he said "Like Santa!"

When we told Rory a few hours later she said "why?" "where?" "I dont want a baby in my house" - she worried about drool.

Later when we spoke of it I said she could help me with the baby, help me pick out clothes etc. She said "not the cool stuff". She is certainly conflicted and worried but also confused. She is very attached to me and I am worried about her too. I hope and pray this turns out to be something more than wonderful for all of the children and for us.