Daron has been frustrated by the fact that he can't just decide to go to other people's house on shabbat. The funny thing is he always wants to invite himelf to Ian's friends houses. The nice thing is that he plays so nicely with them, they like him and that Ian doesnt mind and welcomes it. We are truly blessed by that. But when i tried explaining etiquette, Daron finds it ridiculous. He asked if we could decide not to believe in it.
Last week we went up to Moshava to show Ian (and me) a sleepaway camp. We somehow were brave enough to take all the kids including a 3 week old! It went surprisingly well and we were pretty proud of ourselves and the kids. Stela cried when we hit traffic on the last leg of the trip but that was about it.
One week after my father left from visiting with us after Stella was born - we got a strange email on FB (caleb and I did) from Lynn and Dean Sperling saying they wanted to fill in the blanks fr us about my father. What ensued was a very strange series of emails that were kinda emotionaly jarring. Caleb and I essentially decided we didnt want to know more. But they mentioned they didnt know I didnt know about the credit card. I had to ask how they learned that and it opened a little can of worms. Basically they blame my father their bankruptcy, sadness and misery and now Dean is sick. But they felt like we might blame them for something when I had never heard their names from my father until - oddly he mentioned them this time when he was up. Next.
Dorothy looks beautiful. Long hair, tanned skin. I try hard not to tell her that every time I look at her. She is pretty taken with herself :) But i try to also remember to say how smart, kind and beautiful inside she is. She is a great dancer, loves modern day music (sound so old saying that) and has learned how to snap, which she does with a tush wigle and much attitude.
The baby has pimples on her face. Daron looked at her and thought and suddenly said " she needs... what's that called? Proactive!" -
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