Its Pesach already.
My belly is big- growing. Thankfully all is well with the pregnancy - especially since finding something called the Blanqi that has saved me from hip and lower back pain.
Rory is a riot. She is spunky and smart and loves being with the boys. She and Daron are like an old man and lady bickering often as Daron tries to guide or correct her but we all laugh a lot. Mike's parents were here for first days of Yom TOv and we were outside - Mike's Dad was playing basketball and Rory said - Mommy your belly is even bigger than Papas.
Daron - after numerous appointments and visits to Boston - turns out he does not have Hirscshprungs. We are deeply grateful we did not pursue the surgical path initially recommended - we did discover he does have spasms and it is unclear why. We will keep investigating. He started baseball, is doing well in school and still loves to play board games, card games anything.
Ian is smart, good looking and quiet. We can see already he will give the girls a hard time. We discovered this week that he knows the tooth fairy is not real - or is me. Curious when he knew or why he didnt say. Dorothy was saying at the table that she wantes to be a dentist, doctor, angel and mom when she grows up. Daron suggested she be a tooth fairy and she loved the idea. I said - she will be a dentist and fairy all in one. And then later to myself "and mom" and then I looked and saw Ian smirking from across the table.
We are working on baby names. Have a few I like. Looking forward.
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