Monday, January 27, 2014


Disney was fun.  My surgery 8 weeks behind us, a few chin stitches didn't get in the way (flying candle and a shabbat ER visit for plastic surgery stitches)

I think Stella thinks I am a klutz. I slipped the other day and she said "Mommy you have to be careful."

In the car on the way back from the airport we were all hungry. I had a container of brown rice and black beans with red onion. She was so hungry she let me feed it to her by squashing it into balls in my hand, placing them in hers.

She was enjoying it so much, I thought i would sneak a bite. Ooops, Tired Stella screammmmmmmed for the rest of the ride "NO EAT MY FOOD!!! Spit it OUT!" giving me her hand, screaming at me to spit it out. Oy.

Sad sad day the Friday we got back. Had to put 16-year old Penny to sleep.  I cried more than I imagined I would. Not for her but for us. Ian was soft and sad. Curled around the chair in the vet, understanding he was saying goodbye as he gently pet her. Daron took some fur as a souvenir and Dorothy wrote an "I miss you Penny sign" that now hangs over where her bad was.  Stella, poor Stella doesn't know where Penny went. She keeps asking for her, uncomforted by the words we share- that she went to live with her Mommy. "You Mommy?" she asked? "Daddy take her?"  I tried to talk about Hashem bringing her to her Mommy and fresh out of Sea World Stella blamed Shamu "Shamu take her?"

We vaciliate conversations between the surprise of missing her, thinking we see her tail to flirting with the unrealistic idea of another pet. I asked Mike "Do you really think we will be a pet less family for the next 10 years?" "No" he said.

Ian has been expressing some interest in privacy, individuality and a consistently deadpan sense of humor. It's so funny and fast I hardy catch it - often laughing later. He specializes in sarcasm which endlessly frustrates Dorothy who now requires a "sarcasm alert."

Daron is full of life, curiosity and greatly enjoyed his first subway ride, two taxi rides and a day of pizza, soda, and ice skating with his sweet friend Zach.  

O and those birds? After a day in Magic Kingdom, the kids actually asked if they were "special effects"

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