Thursday, June 3, 2010

Aunt Jemima and You Smell like a Grandpa

-- We were at Grannie Annie's house enjoying breakfast of pancakes and eggs when Ian looked at the bottle of syrup and declared that Grannie Annie looks like Aunt Jemima!

-- Ian and Daron were playing outside - lots of baseball all day. They came in at night to take showers. They sat next to each other on the floor and Daron sniffed Ian and said "Pew! You smell like a Grandpa!"

-- Ian took robotics - which was awsome. Daron took photography - and one of my all time favorite pictures of him now is the one of him with a camer around his neck.

-- Rory is a perfect tom boy. She wants to be cool and not pretty or beautiful. When she got dressed for shabbos - I put a little white sweater above her dress. She took one look in the mirror and said "no! this is pretty. it's not cool"

-- One recent shabbos. I did what I normally do and checked in with the boys to make sure they still don't like girls. This time Ian revealed he thinks girls like the boys already and that he thinks Lexi likes him.

--Ian also told me, with smirks, that there is a Hebrew English dictioary in school that has bad words. Which words? Words like "shut up".

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