Sunday, January 3, 2010

I wish upon a star for a piggy....

Took Dorothy to her first movie today- the Princess and the Frog. She was pretty good and the best part was that she sat on my lap almost the entire time and snuggled right into me. We had a good time. the boys went to Alvin and the Chipmunks.

When we asked her what the best part was she said "when the two froggies kissed" and then tonight when I was putting her to bed, she ran over to her window and said "I want to wish upon a star" - she found the neighbor's lamppost and said "I wish for a piggy".

Last week Ian was talking about names - and asked if you can change your name. We explained that when you are an adult you can or when you get married. He said that he didnt want to change his name when he gets married because when he is playing baseball - he wants them to say "Welfeld" - and thinks it would be weird if they say "Ratner". Mike and I managed poker faces... for a few hours.

Daron is still having tight tush problems, but we are working on it with PT and OT. I made him an ortho appt on Tuesday too. They are all enjoyihng the Wii (I refuse to learn even how to turn it on - not sure what bothers me more- the fact that we have the Wii or that my refusal to participate feels so much like my mother)

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