Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hurricane Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy. Monday -Friday with no power, followed by a snow storm mini blackout. What a way to end October.

We were cold but fine, Stella took to running through the house in a flashlight in the dark.

Daron is now on Twitter. One kid won't talk to his classmates in the street, the other is prepared to tweet to the world. Couldn't love them both more. So endlessly fascinated by our kids.

Stella loves her siblings. Says "EEEEEEan, Daaaden, Darty and Mommea and Debbie and Daddy" and she laughs and now yells and runs around like an energizer bunny.

Dorothy decided to cut bangs. She also thought of the song "I won't give up on you" and hopefully her class will sing a song, do a project and share with a class deeply harmed by Sandy.

Jets struggling which is hard on Mike.

The other day Dorothy handed me papers from school but it was in the morning rather than evening before  "This is from yesterday. If you see tomorrows in here it means today."

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