TImes have been a little tough for D lately. I worried tonight it was "middle child" syndrome -laughing along the way. He's been cranky, moody and maybe just typical for a 3 year old.
We went to Sesame place with Caleb's family and mom and Josh. Our first ride was the roller coaster which we assumed would be no big deal since you only needed ot be 3 to ride. Wow. I thought Daron might not speak again. Fortunately I've taken to holding him more, hugging and just bringing on the affection. It is sweet. And came in handy when he clung to me like a baby monkey with his eyes popping out like a fly's.
He had several breakdowns during the trip- usually a result of not understanding something fully - a complicated explanation or something that doesnt seem fair. But what did he want to do? What interested him to the point where he wanted to do it even though Ian did not?
Face painting. Sweet Daron who enjoys beautiful things and pretty colors had his face painted not just one day but two. First day he was a green monster and the second day - the most adorable tiger I've ever seen.
No texture concerns here. Just to fully support him - I had mine painted on Day 2. Maybe he did get some of my genes after all.
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