Thursday, February 22, 2007

I count gulps

- Dorothy was not napping well until we started wrapping her during the day and putting her down within 1 hour of waking. Now - great naps.

-I count gulps. I actually started counting not minutes of nursing but gulps. I now know that if she gulped 100-150 times she is good to go for three hours. Less than 50-60 gulps she will want to eat again sooner. It is sort of my way - like when I give her a bottle I know how many oz. This was my way to get some measure of regularlity. Time didnt help cuase she takes breaks and sometimes nurses faster than others.

- When she was 4-7 weeks I slept with her on my chest if it was after 5am. That was the rule. Before that - nurse or rock or she had to go back to the crib but from 5am I could have a little nap before the day started.

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