One of my favorite first sentences is "help you" which means "help me" but it is just the cutest - no matter the child.
Woodloch was great but as is tradition - sleepless. This time Stella had croup and kept us up all night - but was so sweet in the middle of the night. Coughin and coughing and saying thngs like "tissue" "man" "help you" and then coming into bed with us and giving me her hand and saying "kircle" where she means I should draw little circles inside the palm of her hand. I was endlessly happy to do so though so tired I could do little more. We spent some time in the shower steam room and with so much family around - shabbos was no problem as mike and I even got in a nap on the couch.
Kiva brought up Wendy.
The big kids had a great time and as usual didnt feel ready to leave. The first day of the week of vacation we went to an Islander game with the big kids which was a lot of fun and then yesterday to see Parental Guidance. Today Saba Josh took them to see Wreck It Ralf and to lunch. They will get to veg the last two days of vacation. It's not Hawaii but it will do.
Zack was sick and in bed, in a room all weekend.
Dorothy's birthday party in December was amazing - great dance party. She can wiggle like its her business.
Bailey's bat mitzvah rocked. Like literally.