It has been too long so here are some topline:
Ian lost his top two teeth with grace- came home from school with little treasure boxes asking me to pull out the hanging remnants of the tooth (somehow the nurse doesnt get that out) - The tooth fairy comes, but not one time - somehow she missed two appointments but Ian was understanding when she came the following day.
Been spending more time and effort connecting to my big boy again. He is so self-sufficient compared to his siblings that he wasnt getting enough attention. I think we are turning the corner.
Daron has learned to count to infinity it seems. He hates nothing more than Ian's love for Spongebob and scooby doo because Daron loves to play games - any games. It is what we always want as parents right? A kid that would prefer to ditch the boob tube for a game of anything... but "anything" requires a partner and we realize yet again that this middle child has no intention of being a middle child.
Rory is full of laughs. She started walking just before her 13 month birthday and waddles with her big belly ahead of her. She is the joy we prayed for - she loves her brother and to my great amazement - she loves day care. Nothing better than watching your baby jump into the daycare and cry to leave. We are still hunting for a sitter but looking more at the 3-6 options.
Mike and I went to Marti Gras and had a really great time- meaningful time- but the best is that Rory is obsessed with the beads we brought back! Gonna try to put some pictures in these posts now.